GAP Project Peru
The GAP Project is a partnership between the communities of the Lower Napo River, DB Peru and University College London. We use Participatory Action Research (PAR) to develop community-driven interventions for the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV) in the Peruvian Amazon

Lancet Women
Advisory Board & Author
This theme issue lays out robust evidence to inform an action plan for institutional leaders to confront gender bias, improve diversity and inclusivity, and drive change. Strategies to redress inequalities are not just women’s issues—they require the full participation of everyone in deeper explanations and solutions.​
Devakumar D, Selvarajah S, Shannon G, et al. Tackling the pervasive influence of racism and xenophobia on health and the determinants of health. The Lancet. 2020 (thematic series, in publication)
Shannon G, Muraya K, Zeinali Z, et al. Not just a question of identity: global intersectional insights on racism and health. The Lancet. 2020 (thematic series, in publication)
Wu D, Shannon G, Jha P. Implications of household tobacco and alcohol use on child health and women’s welfare in six low and middle-income countries: An analysis from a gender perspective. 2020. In publication, Tobacco Control
Minckas N, Shannon G, Mannell J. The role of participation and community mobilisation in preventing violence against women and girls: a programme review and critique. Global Health Action. 2020; 13 (1):1775061
Patrick M, Grewal G, Chelagat W, Shannon G. Planetary health justice: feminist approaches to building in rural Kenya. Buildings and Cities. 2020;1(1):308–24. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/bc.18
D Devakumar, S Selvarajah, G Shannon, K Muraya, S Lasoye, S Corona, et al. Racism, the public health crisis we can no longer ignore. Lancet. 2020; 395(10242): e112–e113.
D Devakumar, SS Bhopal, G Shannon. COVID-19: the great unequaliser. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 2020; 113 (6): 234-235
D Devakumar, G Shannon, SS Bhopal, I Abubakar. Racism and discrimination in COVID-19 responses. The Lancet. 2020; 395 (10231): 1194
Shannon G, Minckas N, Tan D, Batura N, Hagparast-Bidgoli H, Mannell J. Feminization of the health workforce and wage conditions of health professions: an exploratory analysis. Human Resources for Health. 2019;17(72): doi:10.1186/s12960-019-0406-0
Shannon G, Jansen M, Williams K, Caceres C, Motta A, Odihambo A, Eleveld A, Mannell J. Gender equality in science, medicine, and global health: where are we at and why does it matter? (commissioned article for the Lancet theme issue of Women in Medicine, Science and Global Health) Lancet. 2019;393:560-569
Shannon G, Motta A, Caceres C, Skordis-Worrall J, Bowie D, Prost A. Somos Iguales? Using a structural violence framework to understand gender and health inequities from an intersectional perspective in the Peruvian Amazon. Global Health Action. 2017;10(sup2):1330458
Shannon G, Katzlenick L, Im D, Franco O. Millennium Development Goal Three: Evaluating gender equity in South Asia. Women Health. 2013;53(3):217-43
Shannon G, Pashayan N, Franco O. Cervical Cancer in Indigenous women: the case of Australia. Maturitas. 2011: 70(3);234-245